chapter dos: behenchod (motherfucker)
[[all poems by tg villanueva]]

~tell the river~

tell the River she
commands it.     Tell
the riverbed   to rouse.
steles of sorrow
all around it;
idle fingers   on placid
ground.         tell the
River              she'll devour 
it,                     pleats
of dreams all
idle ears         hear but
idle sound.
tell the River
she came to drown.


not a sliver
of a dream.
nightwings trawl like
night-lings; red eyes
over red lights on
a hopeless stretch
of road; a wide
berth of cold. A
city made of
walls. sawdust
on strings, and
vows made of ice.
and love is a
passing stranger;
maskless chimeras
droning on and on


slow down
minute man --
eyes that reap
and wander.
porcelain dew
drops in window
these feet were made
down yonder.
and if ever there
was, there was:
an evening of fleeting

and all that
remains are these
mamed remains
--lungs that leak
and flounder.


succulent lilacs
in tunnels, spring.
heads encased
in mews of pink.
mountain screechers
and power drawls,
vacuumed lovers
with cloud control.
spoonfulls of lye
and demerol;
the turbulent undercurrent
of the sporadic trawl.
nestled watersheds
and blue lagoons;
a bleary-eyes laundress--
weaves a tomb
for wombs.


don't repeat what
i already know: the
water is still good
for something.
volley across an
empty gymnasium,
time cascades
in stasis;
wind-about toys
and leftovers. Love
letters from the
grave. A pencil case
wrapped in cellophane;
a pair of
heads impaled on


love lisps.
a wisp of rain
cloud sounds,
                          the rhythm
of a crane.             power
plays--             and borrowed
quatrains.        a mountain's due
due,                  diet
mountain due.               a picnic
on neptune.      light years
upon years.          stacked
decks---            of riverbeds'
on trains.
Petunia wine        chicken
Stolichnaya--it's witch     craft,
in the middle of the sahara

~calendar year~

Morning: turning
into seconds.
Graceless bricks
all flittering about.
Salad thoughts,
a poet with
a gun--why do rivers
              turn into graveyards
               in September?

And: all those dawns
I remember.
Hope is a bitch
that slithers in
Mourning drawling
in soupy June,
tragedies in designer

~seven worries ago~

seven worries ago
i prayed before
a Banyan tree--
for free.
i prayed to the
thunderlight, offered
myself as a sacrifice.
conjured devils from
the depths but--my
misery is like wine
(it gets better).
corked, screwed,
bottled; hiding
behind some unsteady
light. Waxing and
aformless expanse
of fire and ice;

undulating with the
swells of the
second hand.


light. in
     sight of slights
wrong turns       and
pick-me-ups --    quack
of                 the skids
on skites.

and how--      sublime
these dark de-lights.
layers of echoes,
in search      of night
a sliver of the evening
nails      on kites
turquoise cupids
transfixed on pikes.


we play baccarat
and roulette;
american-- but
                        with a gun.
we play with
needles in the dark;
we gouge our
eyes out for
a lick of fun.
we ride on horses
                       made of stix;
we impale our
bodies in rows of six.
we gallop, like the
weatha' man; we sunbathe
on the 50-six.

chapter uno: valium daffodils
[[all poems by tg villanueva]]

~sweet little sleep~

stickly sleep
wines and muses.
the mews and the magic,
awake in half the
stickly sleep,
two men
bearing bulls;
sad little horses
running limbless
in the rise.
sweetly sleep,
the venin of a cleric;
his tongue, his Bell.
five hands
in the well.

~blue skies~

cetirizine yellow
please     use the Blues
as clue.
those doe-eyed
will make the pat-rol
pay petrol for 2.

a tit, a sleaze and a lick.
in Happy Town,
boys chirp
with tongues from
der bottom trous. and
like fairy
armadillos--they'll suck
the soz, and drink
da drout.


except, you
vain blue.
with all that acid in
your fever. and those
yellows in your eyes:
how so komodo forever, now,
i been breathing
down some spines
coz u a flighty
little fiddler, a hell
in 49. a curtain without a

marco plays the polo
but seek and
ye shall never find.
all them yellows in ur eyes.
how so Kokomo forever.


calm your nerves man:
it's a flit over the
pacific. twinkles
in the North Sky
is all;
a cobalt ambit
inflamed and ready


the breadth of
a feeling is measured--
never by an indentation
or the length and depth
of a smile.
it is always by the Sigh.
As long and indeterminable
as the river skye.


alight old flame:
old fevers of
the evening
ears ring
with mem'ries of
merry and drink.
i levitate over
all , and then bury
myself in the Thought.
I yowl, until the stars
sprout wings.


i awake
i saunder.
i crawl my way
to the moon.
where I raise
a crater, and build
a bed. and an army
for an arm and a leg.

~hotel rooms~

in smoky hotel rooms
i yonder;
floes of clouds
flog the sun at command.
it wonders,
in Echoes
and sighs that
don't end,
about zeroes and ones
that do not bend

in smoky hotel rooms
i ponder:
cola machines
in stirrups;
winnipeg babies
born in the dimly
lit hum of the din.
voulez-vous whatever.

~valleys and a hard place~

betwixt the light
and the ether,
the Other
wanders into
a freakshow.
He ponders the Why Man
(and the Howdy Downs)
but finds the glare
of the Nothing astounding.

caught, betwixt
and a Hard Place;
hands on beds of nails
on rivets
and things like that:
nothing good can
ever come from cages.

~emergency rooms~

cages: in situ.
electric carnations
along the Seine,
clonazepam daffodils
oblivious to the sill.
a pink kangaroo--
gallops about the
counting 1 to 22;
up from one to twenty-two.
i dreamt of a raging river,
i wake up in a puddle instead.
the nurses are doing handstands;
the orderlies are dancing on stilts


and what is a
writer without quill,
and his glock.
and what is a writer
without a little blood
on his frock.


alabaster green
what's claws for eyes.
the fresh forever;
take a peel at Kyle's.
an urban waterfall,
from 5 dollar lips;
puddles under bridges baby;
gigolos with clipped


gas lamps
and undulating dreams;
streets whirling around
neon skeletons. this
dusk is unending
and the snow
falls like thorns
from floes
from high above--
the rage of the gods

i walk the monuments;
old Ozymandias. and then
i meet a junkie who
sells bent needles
for clouds.



Tuesday Oct 5 2021